Prologué: Dhokha

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Year: 2007

In the wee hours of the night, Alisha, in a whimsical mood, made a snap decision to hop on her bike and zip over to Farhan's place.

He had confided in her earlier that tomorrow held great significance for him, and the weight of his nerves had stirred a deep sense of concern within her. Being the hopeless romantic she is, she just had to dash over and be there to give him a reassuring hug and... probably kiss.

Xavier, in his classic cynic mode, had scoffed at Alisha's affection for Farhan, labeling it as nothing but another chapter in the teenage romance novel. But Alisha saw her feelings for Farhan as more than just a passing infatuation. She knew better.

For the past two years, her feelings for Farhan had blossomed into something far beyond mere infatuation. She loved him with a depth and intensity that she couldn't quite put into words. Unlike the boys who treated love like a game, Farhan was the steady lighthouse guiding her through the stormy seas of adolescence. Her Farhan was different.

He was a gentleman in every sense of the word.

Her lips curled into a soft smile at the mere thought of him. Just the word 'gentleman' triggered a mental slideshow starring Farhan, his British accent adding a dash of class to his already charming self. Oh, the sweet love! He had a way of captivating her entirely. The memory of his tender caresses and sweet kisses made her cheeks flush, each one a love note affirming the depth of their bond.

Their relationship was like a hidden treasure, something rare and priceless that Alisha held close to her heart. She'd brave any storm, leap over any hurdle just to keep it alive and thriving. With a stubborn determination, she promised to stand by his side through thick and thin, ready to take on whatever life threw their way. Be it tomorrow or decades down the line, she'd still be his Alisha, forever and always.


Clutching the rough tree bark, Alisha started her nightly climb, a well-rehearsed routine she had down to a science. Scaling the tree and slipping through Farhan's window had become her signature move. Strolling through the front door was a non-starter, given Farhan's Aunt's notorious dislike for Hindus in the neighborhood. So, Alisha had perfected the art of the clandestine entry, turning her visits into a covert operation.

Navigating the narrow space between the bricks, she took a daring leap and landed perfectly in Farhan's waiting arms like a scene straight out of a romantic movie. "Oh, Alisha!" he exclaimed, his voice holding a relief as if she was a gift dropped from the heavens.

She laughed, brushing a leaf out of her hair, feeling like a secret agent on a mission of love. He pulled her in as if she weighed like a feather and crushed his lips to hers in sudden urgency. Caught off guard by his actions, Alisha moaned, "Farhan, ah!"

Pulling her further into his hug, he circled her waist in one arm and held the back of her head firmly as he kept absorbing her cries of pleasure. He sensed her nails scratching his back and released her to pull off his t-shirt over his head in a nanosecond.

"Farhan..." she panted, trying to steady herself as he left her body.

This was her first time being introduced to such a kind of madness. Farhan had never kissed her this way, it had always been soft pecks and hugs. Even when they had made out—yes, they did have a few instances more than just kisses—she'd never felt such a wild rush of desire as she did at that moment.

He pushed her against the wall and angled her face, looking at her face as she stared into his darkened crystal blue eyes, so fucking blue that it felt unreal to be able to witness someone so beautiful, "Farhan?" It was a question about what had transpired in him to make him such a wild person. She had heard about passion and stuff like that, but experiencing it firsthand made her breathless.

She cupped his face, noticing the worry lines etched across his forehead. Leaning in with a curious tilt of her head, she murmured, "Farhan...?" fishing for whatever was bugging him. He didn't reply rather he pressed himself against her and started kissing her again. Trying to push him back, she gasped in shock when he bit her lower lip. It was as seductive as it might have come as she felt herself melting in his arms, her strength waning to nothingness.

Her wrists were jailed over her head as he captured them in his left hand, "Ali, I wanna touch you," he murmured in her ear as she turned her face to the side, shivering as he licked her earlobe. "Please..." His right hand was roaming near the exposed skin of her neck, exploring the secrets of lust as he tried to extract her permission.

Though she was a bit dazed, she kept her sassy spirit alive, teasing, "Well, you're already touching me."

She heard him inhale sharply as he kept licking her neck, "Sweetheart, you fancy a bit of play now?" and with that his right hand started to travel towards her bosom, cupping her gently.

"When should I play then?" Alisha wasn't one to back down so easily. She was determined to uncover the reason behind his shifting moods. Farhan was usually an open book with her; he was her darling and had shared almost everything... Or so she thought.

He didn't mind her reply as his fingers crawled beneath her t-shirt and touched the soft skin of her left breast. She arched her back, giving in to the sweet sensations of his gentle touch. Oh, how beautiful it was to be loved by Farhan, the most handsomely handsomest guy in the world... perhaps, in the universe... perhaps, in all the fucking universes, in all the timelines, and whatever shit about string theory that Xavier used to spew about. Her Farhan was touching her, what could have been better than this?

Maybe I should just ask him what's on his mind.


The words from her mouth halted abruptly, all thoughts flying out of the window as he started caressing her nipple between his deft fingers oh so fucking beautifully that she wanted to cry. What a blessing this night had been, filled with the gift of Farhan's love. He had never ventured this far before, never attempted to touch her beyond her waist or lower legs, never anything so intimate. Her whole body was on fire as she writhed, "Far...Farhan..." She gasped when he kissed her tormented bud while pinching it, her back further arching involuntarily.

She was fully dressed, yet she felt naked under his intrusion. It was such an alien feeling, so exotic that her hands fought against his grip to free themselves. She wanted to press his head against her breast as she felt something growing inside her, something very unusual. What on earth was stirring within her, this electrifying thrill sending her nerves into a frenzy? What the heck did she even aim to accomplish?

"Oh, my sweet, sweetest, Ali..." his voice held such a deep tone that made her close her eyes and just let him finish whatever fuck he had started. Maybe he had the inside scoop; after all, guys always seem to think they've cracked the code... right?

How could she not moan when he placed his right thigh in between hers? So, she did that as well grinding herself on him, thanking silently. Well, whatever he was up to, it had her feeling positively exhilarated, so fucking hot that she could throw all her savings on that. It was like a spicy switch-up after, what, not ages, but at least she deserved a taste of some girly thrills to be in a relationship with such a guy. Farhan Siddiqui was doing things to her, on her... inside her... and she fucking wanted it.

Her hearing capabilities were turned to the maximum, picking up not just the thundering beat of her own heart, but also his sweet whispers of how stunning she looked, his raspy breaths, and yes, even the rapid drumming of his heart matching hers!

Suddenly, he whisked her in his arms and carried her somewhere. Who cared about it anyway? She was too frustrated to pause their delightful session, "What the hell!?" She yelled, but just like before, Farhan didn't bat an eye.

She felt him placing her on the comforts of his bed and panic kicked inside her. Her little brain conjured up images of what usually went down between a guy and a girl on a bed, and where that could potentially lead... a fucking unplanned pregnancy! She had seen movies about it...

Springing up to sit straight, she pushed him away, "Farhan!"

He pulled her t-shirt over her head and directly placed his plump lips over her nipple.

The fuck with pregnancy!

"Aah!" She fell back and pulled him closer instantly, her finger grabbing his long hair. "God, this feels so good, Farhan."

A deep chuckle left his mouth as he continued sucking on her skin, his fingers burning fire on her breast as they massaged her lovingly. One of his hands wandered south as he traced under her skirt, touching the insides of her thighs, his tiny nails causing goosebumps everywhere. And then he placed his thumb somewhere unexpected, somewhere she knew to be the most intimate part of her body and her whole body shuddered as he started playing with her throbbing clit over her panties.

She was wet, insanely wet and she didn't understand what was real and imagination.

"Shona, let me see your eyes."

As if her body was in complete control under him, she snapped open her eyes and met his stormy blue eyes, "Farhan... I am... I am... feeling..." she gasped as he continued to rub her feverishly, his thumb flicking over the bundle of nerves with a definite aim to something unknown to her. Oh, tears of joy escaped from her eyes as he dipped down and caught one of her nipples between his teeth, his tongue sucking harder.

"Ah! Oh... Farhan, Farhan, Farhan!" her legs thrashed about as she tried to comprehend the stimulating sensations. There was this intense urge to pee, but she knew it wasn't her bladder that wanted to burst open right then when Farhan's fingers were dancing at that spot. It probably had to do something with the orgasm that she had read in books, biology... and obviously, a little bit of smut.

"Let it go, Ali, my Shona."

With that, he bit her nipple, and simultaneously, his fingers down there pinched her clit causing her to squeak his name in not so sexy manner. It felt exhilarating as if flying high in the sky and catching stars in her palm. She sighed satisfactorily.

So, this is what orgasm feels like.

Her eyes had been closed and she felt Farhan hugging her tightly, his wet fingers caressing her face, "My darling, are you okay?"

She opened her eyes and swatted his hand away, "That's dirty!" she exclaimed and watched in horror as he licked it clean. Her face morphed into an expression of disgust as she pushed him away, "What the heck are you... doing!?"

"Tasting you, sweetheart." He answered in his lilting British accent as if he was standing amidst an estate in Darjeeling, tasting various flavors of tea with his fucking sexy body open in view.

She scrunched her nose as she sat and searched for her t-shirt, "I thought it happened only in fiction."

He laid back scanning her lean back, his fingers scribbling patterns over her skin, "I can bloody well tell you, whatever you've been reading is rubbish. You haven't got a clue about a thing."

"And you know about everything at the age of nineteen?" She tugged her t-shirt down and got dressed. Sometimes, Farhan acted like he was a worldly sage, knowing more about life than anyone else, all mature and wise beyond his years. But let's be real—he was just as much a kid as she was, a teenager, nothing more. Sure, his parents shipped him over from Britain under some mysterious circumstances, but he behaved like it was all some grand drama.

"Ali... I need to have a word about something."

She turned around and found him raking his fingers through his shoulder-length hair. "What?" She raised an eyebrow, questioning. Well, well, well... that was the whole reason she'd come to see him, after all—except he'd managed to distract her so thoroughly that she'd forgotten the main point.

"I... I am leaving tomorrow."

"To where?" She asked casually, plopping back to bed and hugging him. "When will you come back?"

Alisha noticed a shift in his expression as he cupped her cheek. "Ali, I need to tell you something... I'm not just Farhan Siddiqui, the posh son of a rich British-Muslim businessman..."

She narrowed her eyes, "From all the money your aunt splurges, I am sure you are not a beggar," she hit his chest playfully and let out a small laugh. "I am not after your money if that's what you wanted to clarify."

"Alisha, quit mucking about... let me talk..."

"Okay!" Smiling seductively, she touched his groin.

He held her teasing hand and muttered, "I am... I am actually... the successor of the current Nawab of Shehribad."

What the fuck!?

Her arms loosened around his body, her embrace turning cold with his words. But he pulled her back into a tight hug.

"Ali... I've got to break it to you, I'm flying off tomorrow... and I won't return ever..."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at his face, a mix of shock and anguish washing over her. What was the truth? She'd always believed he was honest with her, thought he was just the illegitimate son of some wealthy man who kept him under wraps. Wasn't that the tale he spun when she asked about his folks? So, what was all this about Nawab thing and jetting off to who-knows-where and abandoning her forever?

Did he even love her? If not, then what was it that had occurred between them just a few minutes ago? Just a fucking parting souvenir?


"Fuck off!" Something snapped inside her and she slapped his face, "Who the fuck are you!?" she screamed, "Are you even Farhan or is your name something else!"

"Ali, calm down."

"You, fucker, have the guts to ask me to calm down, huh?" she grabbed his hair and pulled him closer to her, "Dafuq, do you mean by you are leaving tomorrow!"

He winced in pain, "Ali..."

"And what is this bullshit about you being the successor to whatever fuck!"

"Ali, you are hurting me..." he cried.

She threw him back and sprang out of his bed, "So, all along you played with me, huh? And at last, finger-fucked me as a gift of parting our ways forever!?" her body trembled in rage. At that moment, she wanted to take a hot boiling pot of lava and pour over this—whoever fucking guy she had slept with. "What is your real name!?"

"Ali, I didn't lie to you about my name."

"Wow, thanks for that, you motherfucker!" She slapped him again but this time he caught her hand, his eyes filled with tears and rage.

"Don't you even think about slagging off my mama like that!"

"Oh, but you did say you were a bastard!"

"I had to tell that fib to keep my true identity under wraps... She's..." He halted himself from divulging any further details, his expression contorting as if he were in agonizing distress. His cornflower-shaded eyes looked at her face again. "Ali, trust me... Please."

"Trust what, Farhan?" she laughed mockingly, her voice breaking as her tears threatened to spill from her eyes, "I... I don't even know who you are and you almost fucked me and... I let you. Xavier was so fucking true all these years. Gosh, how naive am I to be fooled so easily?"

She wrenched out her hand from his hold and stared at him.


"Do you even love me?"

There was silence. The deafening silence filled the room with just their ragged breaths. And it broke Alisha's heart into a thousand pieces. The truth was out. It was cruel and sharp... and ugly, all blending into one single concoction of hurt.

"Alisha... I..."

Her vision turned blurry as she sobbed at his hesitation.

"Oh, Farhan, so this was all a sham?"

Again, silence. His approval in silence bled her life out. She wanted to scream, to punch his face, to curse every word that she had learned from him and Xavier, but she didn't. Her body still recovering from orgasmic bliss and mistrust, both, was too stunned to act on anything.

"Thanks, Farhan, for everything." She marched toward his room's door, her cheeks still carrying tears from her eyes. Aunt or not, she didn't give a toss anymore; she was done with climbing out windows for this guy. No more Rapunzel stunts for bloody Farhan.

He pushed himself out of his bed and snatched her right hand in an attempt to stop her but she was beyond this nonsense. Enough of the lies and drama of the bloody son of Nawab. With an unimaginable force, she pushed him away and he stumbled back, his ankle hitting a wooden chair in his pristine room.

Crashing on the floor, his back hit with a thud and he groaned in pain.

She drawled, "Goodbye, future Nawab. I'll fucking remember never to trust any guy with my heart, thanks for your lessons!"

As she closed the door behind her, she saw a dangerous shade of blue flashing in his eyes, as if he pledged to ruin her life and she bloody well challenged him with a similar stare to burn him into smoke from her life, her tears spilling away for him for last time.

No Farhan ever!



It's quite a lengthy beginning, but this story will have long chapters. I'll update only when I hit my target for reads and votes. The goal for the next chapter to update is at least 500 reads of this one.

And, I know the prologue already has a fair bit of adult content, and I didn't put any warning at the beginning (Like I always do). I clearly stated in the Author's Note that this story will be full of smut, bloodshed, murder, and a few other things. So, please don't expect any warnings from me as most chapters will contain graphic content.

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Suganthi Lakshminarayanan

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