Prologue -to the end of my life-

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Year: 2024

As his eyes traced the contours of her face, he noticed the delicate flush that graced her cheeks, a soft bloom of color that spoke of hidden depths of emotion. This blush, like a sunset painting the sky in hues of pink, revealed her inner turmoil, a silent indicator of the monumental decision she was on the brink of making. It was a moment frozen in time, a pause in the rhythm of life, as if the universe itself held its breath, waiting for her choice.

And in that moment, it was in this subtle display of vulnerability that he found reassurance, a silent affirmation of her meticulous contemplation and unwavering resolve.

"You don't understand!" she exclaimed.

A smile played at the corners of his lips.

Oh, he understood all too well. He comprehended with a profound clarity. Every fiber of his being echoed the sentiment he had conveyed to her, the sentiment he yearned to embrace. His understanding transcended mere words; it was a deep-seated conviction that reverberated through his entire being, resonating with the truth of his feelings.

Yet, he remained silent, his gaze fixed on her, relishing the vision in front of him.

Her nose, though petite, exuded confidence, its slight flush a testament to the frustration she felt.

Her lips, poised in a gentle pout that hinted at a touch of annoyance, were like petals of a delicate flower, ready to bloom.

Her eyes, large and sparkling, were like celestial orbs, their beauty accentuated by the dark kohl that framed them.

The tiny Pottu adorning her forehead seemed to hold the beauty of the entire universe within its confines, adding a touch of divine grace to her appearance.

The delicate gold Jimkkis dangling from her ears swayed with every movement, like notes in a symphony playing to the tunes of her command.

And her hair, oh lord her hair, it was like a cascade of silk, flowing in beautiful waves that seemed to dance to the rhythm of her soul.

She was perfection personified, a goddess among mortals. No woman could hope to rival her beauty, for she was truly incomparable.

"You're being unreasonable," she insisted. "How can you agree to all my conditions?"

Oh, wasn't this he ever desired for?

This moment had been the beacon of his hopes for years, a dream he had nurtured through countless nights. She questioned his seemingly effortless acceptance, but to him, it was not mere acceptance—it was pure elation.

He felt as if he could bare his soul to her, revealing the depths of his love that resided within his chest. Every beat of his heart was a testament to his devotion to her, his thoughts revolving endlessly around her presence. His life, every breath he took, belonged to her entirely.

She marveled at his apparent ease with it all, unaware of the magnitude of his love that surpassed mere words.

"Why do you love me?" Her eyes met his, and the world seemed to stop, every movement frozen in time.

How could she ever comprehend the depths of his devotion?

His love for her spanned epochs, predating the birth of the cosmos, existing in a realm where they were the sole inhabitants, entwined in a celestial dance of fate.

Her eyes, to him, were not mere windows to the soul; they were the very essence of the universe, each glance revealing a new mystery, a new layer of their eternal bond. He was captivated by her gaze, a willing prisoner of her beauty. His eyes, in turn, harbored a singular desire—to witness her joy, to revel in her happiness, for in that fleeting moment, the universe found its meaning.

"Please, fucking stop looking at me as if I am..." She paused.

"You are my woman," he declared, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears and he turned his face away.

His woman.

The words threatened to overwhelm him, filling his heart to the brim with an overwhelming sense of joy. He felt a surge of emotion, a desire to weep tears of gratitude, to fall to his knees and express his thanks to her for allowing him the chance to finally articulate the feelings that had been imprisoned within him for an eternity.

His heart ached intensely. It felt like this was the culmination of his life, the end he had been waiting for. He had waited so long to openly claim her, to die with open arms, with the acknowledgment that his love was no longer a secret.

"I... I don't love you," she whispered, her face contorted in confusion. "I don't love you!"

His head turned sharply towards her, and a smile finally appeared on his lips as he uttered a word that held immense meaning, "Yet."

She blinked, trying to comprehend his statement. It was a declaration in just one word.

"What?" she asked.

He took a slow, deliberate breath before repeating, "You. Don't. Love. Me... Yet."

"You!" she exclaimed, her voice slicing through the ambient chatter of the posh café, drawing the attention of the surrounding crowd to their table. Heads turned, curious gazes lingering on them, momentarily interrupted from their private world by her impassioned outcry.

His smile widened. "Yes, you don't love me yet... But you will."

"Banish such a preposterous notion from your thoughts!" she snapped, her words sharp as thorns, her cheeks flushed with indignation. "I have no intention of entertaining whimsical fantasies about love. Our purpose here is singular—to negotiate the terms of our impending union, our marriage."

A grin tugged at his lips, savoring the fervor of her outburst. It was like music to his ears, a symphony of emotions playing out before him.

It irritated her, evident as she ran her right hand through her luxuriant locks, each movement akin to an artist delicately crafting a masterpiece. Indeed, she was a living work of art, each feature meticulously sculpted by nature's hand.

"I'll fucking leave if you continue this love match charade!" she threatened. "I'm here to propose my terms and con—"

"Agreed," he interjected, cutting through her words. The intricacies held no allure for him; he was focused solely on the outcome. He understood the challenges that lay ahead, but the years of yearning demanded a resolution, a culmination that either bore the sweet fruit of her love or allowed him to embrace his fate and die with nothing but failure.

"Valmiki!" she called out, her tone pleading. "Don't do this!"

"I thought 'Miki' was your chosen name," he softly interjected, his gaze a wellspring of affection. "Why do you clothe me in the formality of 'Valmiki'?"

Her response was swift and firm. "Everything between us has changed. The 'Miki' I once knew is no more, and I am not the person you remember."

He chuckled.

Sweet, sweet darling.

If only she could grasp the extent of his perception of her, the profound love that fueled his insatiable curiosity to unravel every facet of her being.

"Agreed, I have my consent to whatever terms you lay down," he declared with a solemn nod, his commitment unwavering.

"Valmiki, you cannot indulge in such foolishness," she muttered under her breath, a tinge of disbelief in her voice.

He closed his eyes, allowing the intoxicating fervor of his love to consume him entirely. "Oh, my Satya..." His voice trailed off, the name a whispered prayer on his lips, a plea for understanding, for reciprocation, for the acknowledgment of his boundless devotion.

Satya. My Satya.



As I've mentioned before, this story is quite ambitious for me because the characters are quite extreme. I haven't delved much into the characters I'll be discussing in this book. Even though Satya is inspired by my own nature, many aspects of her are too peculiar for my liking... The same goes for Valmiki.

So, yeah... It's going to take me quite a bit of time as this area is new to me, and I need to read and consume a lot of content before completing this story. I do have plot points, but to navigate smoothly, I need to ensure I don't leave plot holes everywhere.

Also, the song attached to this prologue, "Sapta Sagaradaache Ello - Title Track," has been the main inspiration for me to consider this story in the first place. The first time I heard it, I was literally in tears because the voice was so ethereal to listen to. When I searched for the meaning of the lyrics, I cried for two more days because, come on, how beautiful it was. So passionate! Immediately, a story formed in my head, and I thought, "I need to write this." That's how Satya came into existence... And then Valmiki... Even before I was drafting Xav's story, this was at the back of my mind.

Hopefully, I can complete it.

This is going to be the longest story, comprised of four parts (no, not separate books, but I will have four sections separating each other: Kathai- Ondru, Kathai- Irandu, Kathai- Moondru, Kathai- Naangu, which translates to Story- One, two, three and four), and everything has a reason behind it.

Guys, I have never asked you to promote my story, but I would be so happy if all of you could comment, vote, and share this story as much as possible... I just want this story to reach as many readers as possible; it's closest to my heart after "Slivers of Silver."

-Happy Reading,

Suganthi Lakshminaryanan

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Suganthi Lakshminarayanan

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